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I’m happy to announce launch of two new locations today – Amsterdam, NL (EU) and Singapore (Asia) for Windows VPS & Dedicated Servers Hosting. These new locations will help in catering to customers in EU and Asia by allowing them to have faster access to the server and websites due to low latency and thus super fast access to your websites and applications. We will be using data center services of SoftLayer, an IBM company which is enterprise class, fully secured and certified SSAE 16 SOC II Type II facility. All of the servers will be powered by proprietary SoftLayer network with multiple 1Gbps uplinks to each server. Initially, we will be offering Windows VPS powered with Hyper-V virtualization technology and dedicated servers from these new locations.

Each of the servers in these new locations is privately connected through a completely separate private network of minimum 20Gbps connectivity. We also plan to provide geo-redundant solution in future so that data / services can be replicated across different parts of the world in near real time basis using this solid private network.

Currently, we’re having 11k+ customers around the world and we provide 24×7 support, which is completely in house and not outsourced. We will also offer full management solution for servers in these locations so that you need not worry about day-to-day management tasks and remain assured that your server/website is in safe hands. Apart from these, all servers / services are fully scalable as per customers requirement and they will be able to grow seamlessly with these services.

To learn and order Windows VPS in these new locations, you can visit Windows VPS and dedicated server plans at Dedicated Servers Hosting

Thank you!

Ruchir Shastri
President – Softsys Hosting